Idaho Community Foundation
CAL's Fund Information






As promised, this is a short question and answer informational update on our ICF endowment fund. At least for a while it will be a question and answer format and evolve from there.


Will CAL be doing fundraising specifically for our ICF fund?

No, that has never been considered. CAL is already a fundraising organization so we intend to put a very small percentage of our earnings into our endowment where it will grow and provide distributions in perpetuity. It is though, to our benefit to let people in the community know about the existence of the fund because anyone can donate to it. The people we would target for this information would be our members, lawyers (will writers), wealth managers (tax benefits to giving), bankers, and other philanthropic organizations and individuals.


How can I contribute to CAL’s tax deductible ICF fund?

Easy peasey! You can send a check payable to ICF directing them to deposit it to the Community Assistance League of Sandpoint Fund. I am waiting for information on how to set up direct withdrawal for people who prefer to give that way. I will personally be setting up an auto-charge to my credit card every month, and I am waiting for that information also. A receipt will be sent by ICF to the donor for every donation and CAL will be notified.