Posted by Linda Zinn on Jun 10, 2017

CAL Officer Announcement


Dear CAL members,

This has been a wonderful year for me. Our CAL board has been fabulous to work with and filled with very smart, compassionate & talented ladies. I could not have asked for a better board.

Thank you for your recent vote of confidence. Our board will remain intact for next year with one exception - Joanna Fuchs is leaving her Member-at-Large position.
She needs more time for family and pursuing her writing passion, but she will still remain as a very active member of CAL. Please let me know if you would like to fill this position. She was in charge of sending cards to members, training members in using the eScrip card and online shopping, which gives rebates back to CAL.

I recently received a letter from The East Bonner County Library District, thanking us for our generous donation basket. Our contribution of $80 made us eligible for the Quartz Award. Our name will be placed on a recognition tile for the Library Transformation.

The Grant Meeting is always rewarding because you see the fruits of our labor at Bizarre Bazaar. Betsy Walker and her committee will be presenting scholarships to the very special students that have been selected as the recipients. Please attend our general meeting on June 21st. It's so rewarding to listen to our young students telling of their future plans.

Thank you again for a beautiful year.

Linda Zinn