Dear Members,

Yippee to Mona Kelly, Cherie Warber, Robbie Gleason, Maria Williams, Mary Pepping, Vicki Edwards, Jan Morgenstern, and Rose Chaney. Our outside entries look fabulous!   See the photo album on the menu bar for the gardening pictures of our members.


Yikes! Plastic containers are finding their way into our shop. Please stop the invasion. NO PLASTIC, please. And remember if an item is worth less than $1.00, please PASS IT ON. Another charity will appreciate the donation.


The children's department is inundated with donations (a good thing) so please sort BEFORE placing items in the children's bin. Linnie washes all the clothing so washable spots are OK but be selective. Gently used or like new only.


OOPS..Not once, not twice, but three times lately the morning shift has found the front door unlocked; so please double check the doors before leaving.


The shop continues to exceed all previous sales. Hooray for all of you.



Joyce and Cindy