Posted by Stephanie Novotny on Sep 25, 2021

Membership News

Hi Members,
My name is Stephanie Novotny and I am the Membership chair. Our family moved to Sandpoint in 2012 from Texas. My husband fell in love with the area when he was putting the Drop Tower in at the Silverwood Theme Park. We still have our business in Texas, manufacturing amusement rides and we travel to Texas several times a year. I joined CAL in 2015 when my neighbor and friend, Bobbie Franklin, brought me to my first meeting. I went to meetings and worked at the store but it wasn’t until I was on the Grant committee for 2 years that I truly understood CAL’s mission and purpose. I encourage you to become involved in CAL by helping at BB in many different capacities, or joining a committee to fully experience the fulfillment of contributing to the community.
I recently accepted a full time position at Eden Health and I am needing some assistance with my Membership duties. I am looking for a member to help me with Membership and perhaps take over as Membership chair eventually. For right now, I need someone to attend the Board meeting once a month, the General Meeting once a month, and communicate with our members. If you would be interested in learning more about this, please contact me by either email or phone, or let Toni know.
We currently have 223 members of CAL. Our renewal dues of $35 are due by October 31st. If you have not paid your dues, you will receive an invoice on October 1st. You can check to see if you have paid on Clubrunner or contact me. In November, I will move any members who have not paid their dues to inactive status. After this is completed we will print a new paper directory which hopefully will be available at the November meeting.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to have a Welcome Tea for new members this fall due to the current COVID situation.
Please make sure your correct contact information and photo is on your Clubrunner account by November 1st. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding your membership or need assistance updating your Clubrunner account.
Warmest Regards.
Stephanie Novotny
Membership Chair