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Dear Members,
One of the goals I had when I became President was to have a revolving Board. Traditionally, when a new president came in a new board was appointed. With the exception of the Store Directors and the Treasurer, this resulted in new board members having to learn their roles, which took about a year. Then there would be a well-oiled board for the second year. Then a new president was elected who appointed a new board to only start the learning cycle again. My goal is to have a continuous experienced, well-oiled board.
To this end, many of those on Sherry Ennis’ board agreed to do a third year for my first year as president. Some new people were also added to the board freshen things up a bit. Now that my first year is all most up I have been reminded by the board it is time to rotate in some new blood.
Therefore, there are two opportunities on the 2021-2022 CAL Board:
Grants Chair
Idaho Community Fund Chair.

Now when I say “new blood” I mean new to the current board. I am open to seasoned and new CAL members. I am open to members with and without board experience. I am open to each and every member.
So, if you would like to channel your time, energy and creativity into something worthwhile, I have a board opportunity for you.
Please contact me at 208-610-9229 or
Toni Sommer
