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Approved November 16, 2022


Article I


This organization shall be known as Community Assistance League (CAL).


Article II

The Community Assistance League seeks to have a supportive impact on our community via assistance and service in selected projects. CAL is committed to increasing community awareness and civic responsibility among its members through a variety of educational and philanthropic endeavors.


Article III

The membership shall consist of any interested persons.


Article IV

The officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers are to be elected from the general membership (as further described in Article X hereof), with the exception of the office of President, which must be selected from the sitting Board of Directors.


Article V

Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization, shall call special meetings as required and shall appoint all Standing Committee Chairs and a Member-at-Large. The President shall be Chairman of the Board of Directors and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.


Section 2. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall participate in committee meetings at the request of the President. The Vice President shall also act as the Archivist and shall be responsible for overseeing special projects and events, such as the 4th of July Parade activities and may select someone to chair each event.


Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings and proceedings of the organization and the Board of Directors and be prepared to read on call the record of any of the two years’ previous meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for the Organization’s Web Administration, including eBulletins. The Secretary may appoint someone else to carry out those duties.


Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive monies due and payable, shall deposit all monies in such bank as directed by the Board of Directors, shall pay all bills ordered by the Board of Directors, and shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements. A monthly report of all paid transactions will be provided to the Board as well as any addition reports requested. Additionally, The Treasurer shall be able to give a Treasurer’s report on call at any time.


Article VI

Section 1.  The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers, and the Chair of each Standing Committee and one delegate from the general membership as Member-at-Large.


Section 2.  The Board of Directors shall maintain current job descriptions.


Article VII

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall be the policy-making body for the organization and shall supervise all related interests. They shall select the Chairs of all Special Committees not otherwise designated and specify their duties.


Section 2. Any vacancy occurring in the office of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the remainder of that term.


Section 3. No project shall be instituted without the approval of the Board of Directors. All CAL projects exceeding $2,500, except Grants and Scholarships, shall be presented to the membership for a vote of approval and support. Ongoing funded projects shall be re-approved by the Board at least annually.


Article VIII

There shall be the following Standing Committees and any other standing committees as designated by the Board of Directors.

            Committee Section:


1. Community Grants
2. Community Scholarships
3. Membership
4. Programs
5. Publicity
6. Ways and Means
7. Social
8. Bizarre Bazaar Store Managers
9. Member-at-Large


The Standing Committees shall be such as may be necessary for the general welfare of the organization. A Standing Committee may be formed or removed as designated by the Board of Directors. Each committee will each have one vote except for the Store Manager(s), who will each have one vote. A Proxy may be chosen in the absence of the elected or appointed board member.


Section 1. The Community Grants Committee shall be responsible for the evaluation of and recommendation to the Board of all requests for philanthropic assistance received by the organization. The Grants Chair facilitates the process as a non-voting member of the committee; ensures adherence to all criteria; and manages accurate distribution of monis


Section 2. The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for the evaluation of and recommendation to the Board of scholarship applications.


Section 3. Membership shall prepare and maintain the membership roster, collect information on each CAL member’s experience, interests and activities, conduct the orientation of new members, collect payment for dues and give to the Treasurer for deposit, and Chair the Nominating Committee. The assistant to the Membership chair will conduct duties under the direction of the Chair and vote only in the Chair’s absence.


Section 4. Programs shall plan and coordinate informative programs for the year and inform the Publicity and Web Administrator for public relations purposes.


Section 5. Publicity shall be responsible for any advertising and information  required, such as store hours or special events.


Section 6. Ways and Means shall be responsible to promote interest in the CAL endowment fund, research and implement any new projects.


Section 7. Social shall be responsible for hosting the monthly general meeting and shall plan social events as approved by the Board of Directors.


Section 8. Store Manager(s) shall oversee Bizarre Bazaar operations according to the Shop Manual, working with the team leaders and reporting to the Board. Each current manager will have one vote on any motions made at the Board of Directors meetings. Any changes to the shop’s Policy and Procedures must be presented to and approved by the Board.


Section 9. Member-at-Large shall perform duties as assigned by the President, including personal correspondence to individual members. This position also serves on the nominating committee.


Article IX

Section 1. The Nominating Committee will consist of:
Membership Committee Chair (Nomination Committee Chairman), Member-at-Large, one (1) Past President, and two (2) members of the general membership who have been an active member for a minimum of two years. The sitting President should be invited to serve in an advisory capacity.


Section 2.  
The candidate for President may provide recommendations to the Nominating Committee for its consideration and shall be given the opportunity to review the Nominating Committee’s slate of officers prior to the presentation to the Board of Directors. An invitation shall be made to the general membership in February to solicit recommendations for potential candidates. The Nominating Committee will meet prior to the general meeting in March or April, dependent on club schedule.


B. A slate of officers will be presented at the March or April general meeting. All nominees willing to serve will be listed on the ballot.


C. Election shall be by ballot at the May general meeting. All members having email service will receive a ballot via email. Ballots will also be available at the in-person meetings or at Bizarre Bazaar. All ballots must be mailed or emailed back prior to the May meeting or presented in person at the May meeting.


Section 3. All officers shall be elected for a term of two years and shall assume their duties after the close of the general meeting in June.


Section 4. Any officer or director desiring to resign from office shall do so in writing and present the same to the Board of Directors. Any vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article VII, Section 2 and Article V, Section 1, hereof.


Section 5. The Board of Directors may by majority vote, remove an officer.


Article X

Renewing members shall pay their annual dues beginning July 1 and no later than October 31 of each year or as set by the Board of Directors. New members may join at any time and, in addition to the annual dues, shall be subject to a new member fee, as set by the Board of Directors.


Article XI

Section 1. General business meetings of the organization will be held monthly excepting July and August.


Section 2. The Board of Directors shall meet monthly preceding the general meeting, excepting July and August.


Section 3. The President may call special meetings.


Section 4. Standing Committees and Special Committees will meet as deemed necessary by the Committee Chairs. The President can call these meetings.


Section 5. All meetings with the exception of executive and nominating committees are open to the general membership.


Article XII

The fiscal year shall be from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.


Article XIII

These By Laws may be repealed or amended at any regular meeting by a two thirds vote of members present by a show of hands. The proposed amendment or repeal must be presented to the members fourteen (14) days and no more than sixty (60) days prior to the vote.


Adopted November 16, 2022